Nick Pesina is an experienced bilingual attorney serving both English and Spanish speaking clients throughout the East Texas area with reliable legal representation. Nick specializes in personal injury law and family law. Are you:

  • Seeking compensation for a car wreck injury
  • Filing for divorce

If so, Nick Pesina will defend your rights and fight for the outcome you deserve.

Meet Nick Pesina

Nick Pesina is a first-generation American, first-generation college student, and first-generation lawyer. After graduating from The University of Texas School of Law, Nick became a licensed attorney in 2012 and has served his clients for over a decade.

Empowering the community is Nick’s passion. Whether he is empowering victims of a car wreck to move forward with life or empowering students to chase their dreams, his compassion for the people around him is evident in everything he does.

At the Pesina Law Firm, nothing matters more than helping people achieve their goals and live their best lives. Please contact us if you ever need an attorney to defend your rights in a personal injury case, or family matter.

We want you to know that whenever you need legal help, you have an attorney in East Texas who is on your side.